❤️ Stay Cute. Stay Deadly. 💀 Get the Inside Scoop! ❤️

Martha's Story

Martha Hull: Painter of the Cute and Deadly 

Sometimes things have to get bad before they get great.

Let’s look back 15 years, to economically depressed Portland, Oregon. Martha felt trapped in an administrative job, helping manage a wealthy athletic club’s brutalist building. For many years she had been longing to find a way to make the pictures in her head into a way to pay the bills and was feeling far from this ever happening.

A stroke of fate sent Martha to the SBDC, where she met a maker selling his art at Portland Saturday Market. With a borrowed tent and a new style (gift from the muse) blending hand-lettered words and pictures, she learned to sell her art from a pop-up booth. This "cute and deadly" style became her signature, creating personal yet relatable paintings.

The secret? Humor, painting skills, an unstoppable imagination, a refusal to return to a day job, and a keen understanding of life’s challenges.

Fast forward to today, and Martha’s vibrant art studio in Burlington, Vermont, is a colorful hub of creativity. Her paintings feature wide-eyed characters navigating life’s absurdities with twisted joy.

Martha offers high-quality reproductions of her work, ensuring her art is accessible to people of all budgets. Every piece is imagined, packaged, and shipped from her Worldwide Domination Headquarters in Burlington, Vermont, filled with diabolical love.


Here is Martha's home art studio, where the ideas and paintings happen. The creepy dolls are Martha's muses. Don't let them freak you out. They just want to be loved. Like us all.


fake it til you make it

Made in Vermont interview, 5-21-23